Islandton Chimney Repairs
Many Islandton homeowners call us in the spring and complain of what they believe are “birds” in their chimney. These callers are shocked to find that those “birds” are actually baby raccoons! Yes in Islandton, mama raccoons use your chimney as a den and have their litters in there each year. A raccoon can easily scamper up and down a chimney flue tile, as it is just a large hollow tree to them. Raccoons can cause damage to the smoke shelf, damper or flue tiles while in there and our trained Islandton Wildlife Specialists can remove the offending wildlife, identify any damage for you and fix it.
While not known to cause damage to Islandton chimneys — bats, squirrels,starlings, sparrows, wood ducks, owls and other smaller “critters” are known to fall down these openings to your home and come out through the fireplace doors, furnace vents, hot water heater venting or chimney clean-out doors.
Chimney Swifts actually live in chimneys and are the only birds that can fly up the chimney after they enter it. If you have Chimney Swifts, don’t attempt to remove them without consulting a professional, as they are federally protected and special considerations need to be implemented when dealing with them. Don’t let this happen in your home. Our specialists can install a chimney cap on ANY sized, or type of chimney, and prevent wildlife from using it as a home.
While our Islandton specialists are inspecting the condition of your chimney, don’t forget to ask about the condition of the chimney crown. Our Islandton specialists use Crown Saver products to repair broken, or cracked masonry on chimneys and stop moisture from damaging your Islandton chimney any further.
Call the Critter Control Chimney Repair professionals today, at 1-800-CRITTER.